After this things got silent for Dekadence. Britelite and Jaffa
joined the Finnish Army in January 1998 and while they were there nothing major
happened in Dekadence.
Britelite and Chaj were also present at TP97 and ASM98
spreading the Dekadence message in the form of handing out cool Dekadence
Then later in 1998 there came the Zoo98 party, where we also were present
(well, Britelite and Chaj were present). Britelite contributed
to the compos with a tune, a basicdemo and a pic. Britelite also made a demo
with Agemixer for his group Scallop, which Britelite later joined. But
the best thing at Zoo98 was that Dekadence released it's first real
production, namely the Zoo98-partyscroll. It featured 133 blocks of
scrolltext written by different people at the partyplace.